Hand Expression of Breastmilk

Hand expression of breastmilk is a simple and cost free tool, which can be very helpful to build and boost your milk supply during the first days after birth as well as later on during your breastfeeding journey.

Research shows that early and effective breast stimulation by hand expression increases milk supply and it is associated with better breastfeeding initiation and duration rates.

The more frequently and effectively you empty your breasts, the more milk you produce. Ideally one should do all that possible to have the baby feed directly and optimally from the breast. Yet, when there is a temporary separation of mother and baby due to medical reasons or whenever a baby takes time to learn optimal latching and suckling technique, hand expression can be of great help.

It is highly recommended to learn how to express breastmilk during pregnancy.

If a mother is in no condition to breastfeed immediately after birth, her partner, a relative or a friend can learn to do the same and help her, so that her milk supply is established early and better protected.

Hand expression of breastmilk is also a useful tool to prevent engorgements and maintain your milk supply whenever you are away from your baby and a feed is missed.

Research shows that combining frequent and occasional hand expression with pumping is associated with more milk supply, whenever a mother is exclusively pumping or pumping to increase her milk supply.

Note that colostrum (first milk during the first days after birth) might come just in drops: it is normal and sufficient for a healthy full term baby and you can collect it in a teaspoon and offer it to your baby.

You can read more about colostrum and its importance here: Liquid Gold

It is easier to collect colostrum by hand expression rathen than by pumping.

This are simple steps to hand express breastmilk:

  • Support the breast with one hand and gently push it towards the chest wall

  • Place index and thumb flat, in a ‘C’ shape, approximately where baby’s lips should be positioned (1.5 cm from nipple base)

  • Gently but firmly press, repeatedly, with the whole length of the fingers - Start with fast and short bursts

  • Make slower, deeper compression movements when milk starts flowing

Tips to express more milk:

  • Express near your baby, or with your baby kept skin to skin with you - You can read more about skin to skin here: Skin to Skin

  • Smell your baby before and while expressing

  • Smell your baby's clothes

  • Think of your baby

  • Look at your baby's picture

  • Massaging your breasts and applying warm compresses

  • Express from one breast while your baby is breastfeeding from the other breast

The information given in this tutorial is not meant to substitute medical advice nor lactation consultant advice.

If you still face difficulties after watching the tutorial, you may contact us for individual breastfeeding support or seek appropriate medical help.