Learn about breastfeeeding during your pregnancy

Birth and the immediate perinatal period have an enormous impact on the ease of a breastfeeding journey.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) reccommends initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth as well as no separation of mother and baby during this crucial phase, unless (really) medically required. Yet hospitals often do not follow these guidelines, due to lack of knowledge, structural time constraint and/or shortage of competent support staff.

It is important to know what to expect well in advance and to have a clear idea of what to discuss with your healthcare provider in order to have an easier and smoother start of breastfeeding and prevent problems from happening.

Attending prenatal classes of breastfeeding is a good idea in order to learn all this as well as strategiees to cope with unforeseen scenarios.

Remember that even in case of a Caesarean birth or complications of any sort it is mostly possible, with the help of your partner or any trustee relative or friend, to enact some small actions that will protect your breastfeeding experience.

You can Contact Us to know more about our antenatal classes.